Te Mata Elston Chardonnay 2022 750ml

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Elston is named for Elston Hall in Nottinghamshire, the ancestral home of Charles Darwin’s family. Darwin’s ‘theory of natural selection’ forms the basis of modern evolutionary theory, the foundation of biology. The wyvern symbol of Elston Hall appears on the label.

A brilliant white-gold in the glass, Elston Chardonnay ’19 has the immediate aroma of fresh golden nectarines, passionfruit and grilled pineapple. Lush, ripe acid drives the wine's length and balance, bringing the mouthfeel from ripe sweet lemon and white peach, to crème brûlée, roasted cashew, popcorn, to mineral tones and flint. As complex fruit becomes savoury in the long finish, the liveliness of Elston Chardonnay ’19 gives way to elegance.

This is an Elston for the ages.